May2017 NewsLetter

Thank You Lee Brandt

CINNUG would like to thank Lee Brandt for presenting on "Dockerize Your .NET Development Environment" in April.


Tuesday May 23rd, Max Technical Training in Mason, OH

6pm at our monthly CINNUG meeting, we welcome Joe Wirtley with "Building concurrent systems with Akka.NET"

Building concurrent systems is challenging. Code that is innocuous when run on a single thread can require a tangle of locking when running on multiple threads. One way to address this problem is leveraging the actor model. Akka.NET implements the actor model and is ideal for developing concurrent, scalable, and fault tolerant applications in .NET. In this session, you will see code to create actors, send messages to actors, and handle messages within actors. You will also learn about advanced capabilities of Akka.NET including routing, location transparency, persistence, and clustering. You will leave with ideas of how you might use Akka.NET in your own projects and resources to continue your exploration.

BIO: Joe Wirtley is an independent consultant who has been creating software for over twenty-five years. He works with .NET development teams on both desktop (WPF) and web (ASP.NET, JavaScript, Web API) applications. He is an active member of the developer community in southwest Ohio and helps lead the Dayton .NET Developer Group. He has presented at many user groups and conferences including CodeMash, Code PaLOUsa, CodeStock, and Stir Trek. He is the author of the Generics in .NET screencast for O'Reilly. You can check out his site at or follow him on Twitter: @JoeWirtley.

Pizza and drinks will be provided by our sponsors.

Immediately following the main speaker and pizza we will be holding another CINARC (Cincinnati Software Architecture Group). This session will feature more discussion on topics chosen the night of the meeting. The focus of the meeting will be to discuss issues of software architecture relevant to the members of the community.

All Things Mobile

Thursday June 8th, 6:30pm, Max Technical Training in Mason, OH via Parag Joshi Labs - Xamarin, Native iOS and Native Android

We will follow the May session on building a Xamarin application by Suganthi Giridharan with a Labs session. There will be several lab examples for Xamarin as well as Native iOS and Native Android.

Bring your laptops and we will code together in a group session. Please ensure environments are setup prior to the session.

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